Undercover Employee

Find out if your staff are as good as you think they are

Undercover Employee

Enter the business undercover to determine if your staff are right for your business. On the floor analysis of business operations and what is happening behind the scenes that may be good or bad for the workplace.

Does your business have a high turnover of staff?

Are your employees doing enough to support your business?

Do you have enough repeat business/repeat customers returning to your business?

Do you have too many customer complaints?

Do you know what your staff do while the boss is out of the office?

Is your workplace a hidden toxic environment that jeopardises your business operations?

Are your staff trained in their role to be able to fulfil to the standards of their Job Description?

Are your employees honest in their relations with your customers?

Are your pain points preventing growth in your business?

Contact us-Undercover Employee

Our Services

Our army of work resources are your business solutions.

Labour Hire

Find your workforce or find work, and have ongoing work with us.

HR Development & Admin Services

Outsource your Admin and HR and focus on what you do best.

Undercover Employee

Find out if your employees are really on your team.

Ladie tradies

An amazing Ladie Tradie will come to do repairs and maintenance at your home or office.