Tradie HQ, 307 Selby St North, Osborne Park, 6017

Listening to Success 

I bought a ticket in December to see some guy talk at an Entrepreneur’s Summit in Perth and the guest speaker was Janine Allis – Founder of Boost Juice! This was meant to take place in January but because Marky Mark McGowan shut down WA to be an island in an island – no one was coming into the state! It didn’t matter who you were… ask Clive Palmer! The Summit was rescheduled in Perth for March and it was announced that Naomi Simson from Red Balloon was the guest speaker instead. I wasn’t too impressed about this, as the whole reason I was going was to listen to Janine and the other guy Aaron Sansoni was just a bonus.

Who is this Aaron Sansoni anyway?? Well it turns out that Aaron grew up with his mum and his brother in Dandenong after they left the family home where his alcohol and drug fuelled father was on a warpath of destruction. They left with nothing in which he decided he didn’t want to carry on the family tradition of being financially and emotionally poor.

Aaron’s story is very similar to a lot of other battling Australians in small business and he learnt the hard way, making lots of business mistakes – his first business folded after losing all his hard earned money, $180,000 in one foul swoop! One thing I admire about this bloke is that he probably did shed a thousand tears but he worked out where he went wrong and started again. With nothing. This time he put his ego aside and not only took advice from others this time, but put it to practice. Aaron now owns over 60 companies and has a net worth of $55 million – not too shabby for a bloke that came from the Bronx (Jenny from the Block song is playing in my head).

Naomi Simson was also great to listen to and she was so relatable to me with her story of her beginnings. Naomi was before her time – back when the internet was such a new thing and it cost Naomi a whopping $25k to build a website for Red Balloon. This was all her savings which she profited from the recent sale of her house. This was great for her but… but, she soon worked out that if no one knows you are on the internet they can’t find you, AND as the internet was new it was like the release of telephones, you can’t call people if they don’t have a telephone at home which makes your telephone useless! So, who has internet and how do they know to find her? This was agony for Naomi as she had this brilliant idea but the execution of buying hot air balloon rides online was harder than she imagined. Now for someone that was fretting as she was going to lose her $25k investment is now worth $50 million because she didn’t give up!

So here is two amazing people sharing their failures and how they overcame these troubled waters to success. So there is hope for me yet! I think the ticket to this conference was $47 for 8 hours of fast-tracked learning – and if you ever get the opportunity to attend one of these summits, please invest in this as you will definitely get your money’s worth!

So this was the day I made the decision to invest in my future, my business and put my money where my dreams and envisions lay. I bought a ticket to Aaron’s Empire Mastery 4 day brain shaking conference in Melbourne, set for July, to learn and educate myself in the highs and lows of running your own Empire! This is where this story will resonate with me in the future… when I am writing Part 107 – Looking back to where I began and the bumpy road travelled to success.

Are you learning things that are inspiring you to move forward??  I would love to hear from you! Feel free to reach out to Rebecca at Antz Labour Hire on 0447 018 671

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